Wednesday, May 20, 2020

My Liberty Doesn’t End Where your Fear Begins!

American Revolutionary War Artist Don Troiani

Ok, I’m one of those people. I’m your friend, your colleague, your sister, cousin, neighbor, stranger, who you suddenly disrespect, distrust, and shame because she chooses to avoid wearing a mask. Look, if it’s not a policy, I will not cover up. Wearing a mask all day is as useful as walking around with a bike helmet on your head in case you trip. Yes, I’m one of those labeled a “covidiot” breaking many of the baseless rules that don’t make sense, because I take my brain, my freedom and the US Constitution that was given to me VERY SERIOUSLY.

I’m an Arab-immigrant, naturalized since 2000. Immigrants come to this country and get to participate in the greatest idea that humanity ever came up with, Democracy. We were handed freedom on a silver platter. Most of us don’t have grandfathers and great-grandfathers who fought in WWI and WWII on the American side. Most of us, don’t come from a lineage of military, American slavery or the Civil Rights battles. Most of us immigrants (Hispanic-Americans, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, other) don’t have great-great grandfathers who served as Minutemen in the American Revolution, or soldiers in the Union and Confederate Armies of the Civil War. Most of us might not even have a basic understanding of what it really means to be American. We simply don’t have it in our DNA. We’re the newcomers to this dream. So we behave like lucky obedient guests, take sides with the popular opinions, while enjoying the civility, infrastructure, social/health services, nature, peace, and taxes that fund them. Yes, many of us vote, too, but for the most part, we just shut up, try to stay out of trouble, follow the rules, and try to live peacefully.  

So, maybe those armed “White Thugs” out in the Michigan capitol building just happened to be white because, unlike us citizenship “inheritors,” they are the ones who have the original American spirit of the Constitution running through their veins. Did anyone consider that perhaps these people might simply have been armed because they were re-sending the clear message of their forefathers, that the people are the boss?  Might a few of those white guys and gals even be direct descendants of our Founding Fathers who made sure to give us the now heavily debated 2nd Amendment - that the ONLY and FINAL power will ultimately be in the hands of the American people? Could this be the reason why most of them happen to be white? Wouldn’t it be a great country if black Americans also dared to join in this anti-tyrannical stand? But no, let’s focus on these guys’ whiteness and change the subject to guns and Trump. Easy as CNN.

That’s what’s meant by “an armed society is a civil society.” WE have the power over OUR ELECTED rulers, not vice versa.

LOOK AT US! Reduced to serfs by the world’s biggest most corrupt government and corporate class.

LOOK AT US! Believing every lie and infantile politicized handling of this allegedly serious pandemic. It hasn’t been that long ago since we went through a much worse pandemic. And you know what? Life went on. Woodstock happened. People died, and a LOT of people survived. Society survived. We were simply less gullible.

Today, all is lost, folks, and Biden isn’t going to save us, especially if he appoints a white tyrant thug disguised as a woman for VP.

LOOK AT US! We’re drowning in confusion and fear games. The media games. The social media games. The political games. Games, games, games. We have been reduced to a simpleton sports fan mentality of being either with the red team or with the blue team. Here are your candidates. Don’t think too much, just pick the best of the worst that was picked for you. Give us all your rights, one by one, with each “crisis.” Put the good and honorable who speak out about these injustices in jail. 

LOOK AT US! We’ve gotten to the point where the right to BREATHE AIR is prohibited. We all walk around with our mouths sealed as we listen to the same media sources and “experts” who feared us into countless unnecessary wars and corrupt elections in the past. Most Americans can no longer critically think for themselves and are (tragically) so far removed from our human instincts and intuition due to hypnosis by all the politicized messages coming upon us. So, most Americans, are programmed to takes sides. “With us, or with the terrorist,” another invisible face mask we willing wore and accepted from George W. in 2001.

LOOK AT US! We’re being forced into poverty.  Are we so willing to give up the right to our body by mass vaccination mandates? Are we so willing to be tracked, forced, stopped, frisked, harassed by more TSA-like thugs to feel safe? Where in the Bill of Rights does it say that the government has to keep us safe? WE are only safe if we’re safe from the tyrants. In fact, one of our Founding Founders Ben Franklin said "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." This guy KNEW his history! Next time someone tries to take my temperature when I walk into a store, I’ll tell them they can get a much more accurate reading rectally!

The average American doesn’t even know how our living Constitution came about in a less than shallow manner. If they did know some history, we wouldn’t be where we are right now. Our collective eyes would be much more widely open. This forced prison-schooling of my son has clearly revealed that the education system has no interest in creating citizens who know much about their history, or any subject for that matter. It seems that they just want to train them in being constantly plugged in and lose all peripheral vision so they can be better managed as adults.  The history curriculum must have been intentionally created to be flunked.

LOOK AT US! Forced into poverty. Stolen childhoods. Stolen lives. Stolen futures. Stolen rights. Locked indoors and becoming less and less immune to even the slightest bug because we’re not getting fresh air, sunshine, nor socializing and touching. These are basic human rights! And don’t give me any bullshit about the greatness of Zoom. They’re spying on you, too.

So when you see these “white thugs” standing up to TYRANTS, you should at least not criticize your fellow citizen from behind your sealed mouth and delicate latex-covered hands while they do the risky and dirty work of protecting what little is left of YOUR liberties. Please don’t call yourself liberal if you don’t even believe in liberty! Whether you consider yourself a Democrat, Republican, something else or nothing, and have an understanding of what it really means to be an American, you ought to at least respect their rights and bravery to take a real RISK, not the psychological risk of passing a masked-jogger two inches closer than 6 feet away from her. Oh, what a threat you are with all that breathing you do, people!

Yes, I was handed my citizenship on a silver platter. But one thing that I did which the natural born citizen doesn’t have to do if they don’t want to, is to swear to defend the Constitution of the United States and to be willing to bear arms to defend it from foes foreign AND domestic. It doesn’t say we must obey the president or the rulers, it says defend the Constitution! And as far as my motherly/educator eyes can see, there’s a very big domestic crime going on against our children right now. And it didn’t just start with this pandemic hysteria either. It’s been shamefully going on for decades. That’s why I backed Marianne Williamson in the Democratic race. She deeply understands that there is no future if we don’t take care of our children. There can be no other priority. Not even in the midst of a pandemic. ESPECAILLY in the midst of a pandemic. The children are not in danger and they are our greatest resource. Why can’t they play in parks? Why can’t they go to school? Why can’t they celebrate their birthdays with their healthy friends and family? Nobody can truthfully answer these questions so the propaganda machines are now pushing a new “Covid-related” respiratory disease in children. Oh, yeah? A common cold is also a “Covid-related” virus. Notice that this is only reported in America by the American media.

"...the moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; those who are in the shadows of life; the sick, the needy and the handicapped. "-Last Speech of Hubert H. Humphrey 

In almost every global poll published that ranks children, we suck! We also suck at all the other stuff in the quote. Furthermore, we also suck at maternal mortality during childbirth because we were filled with, guess what? Fear! We have become so terrified of childbirth that we started distrusting the wisdom of women’s bodies. American women today have given up this magical experience only to be butchered by the hands of the medical establishment who botch up C-sections and births at much higher rates than homebirths! (Which featured stories do you hear of most in the scare media?) But we, Americans, accept this mindless shit and are too asleep to do our own digging for the truth. Too asleep to make health and medical decisions for ourselves. We’re playing their games and getting distracted.. Oh Em Gee! The president just touched his obese face. Quick, put it in the headlines.

Shame on us if we don’t right this wrong. Shame on us if we allow these tyrants to rob our children’s lives and to take control of every aspect of our own health and livelihoods. We’re allowing the current culture to treat our children like cockroaches, scurrying from corner to corner of our homes. No other children to contribute to the rapid development of their minds, bodies, and social interaction skills. Plugged into screens all day watching mind-fogging garbage. Whether “educational” or not, too much screen time harms children’s developing brains (and adults for that matter). Science knows this fact. Steve Jobs knew this fact and didn’t allow his own children iPads or iPhones and enrolled them in screen-free Waldorf schools. But the joke’s on us. We’re the addicts, they’re the dealers.

Shame on us for making the legalized spies and thieves richer and richer (Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, big corporate/agri/pharma complexes), and ourselves poorer and poorer in money and spirit by buying into their destructive products and lies! We are now literally surrendering our lives with white flags to be their indebted servants, WILLING to be watched, controlled, vaccinated, and imprisoned because we are terrified of empty words and a virus with a 95% survival rate. Where are the free? Where are the brave?

“There is nothing to fear, but fear itself.”  -famously said by FDR.

Look. I get it if you’re a little afraid because you don’t even know who to trust anymore. I get it if you don’t have the same kind of courage it takes to stand armed against a tyrannical government, and sing the Star Spangled Banner on the house floor. But you could at least protest. You could at least say no. You could at least find common ground with the “white thugs” and every other American from every color, religion, background, and education who is here for liberty. It is our own rulers that “hate us for our freedoms,” not the ghost terrorist the TSA thugs have yet to capture. That common ground that we should all agree on is OUR LIBERTY. We are being brainwashed to hate each other and disrespect our most basic right of being who we are, free and free-thinking. We are giving our rights away because we are kept distracted by a most dangerous emotion, false fear. And worst of all, fear of each other. I am not afraid of this virus. People will always die. How can we be accepting a government that is out-lawing simple LIVING with the excuse that it is saving us from dying?

“Give me liberty, or give me death!” That’s Patrick Henry for you, another American white thug, eh?

I’m sorry Mr. President, Mr. & Mrs. Governors, and Mr. and Mrs. Mayors, but every single one of you made that same oath to defend the Constitution as I did. The difference is, I take it seriously. Therefore, your job is not to protect us. Your ONLY job is to protect OUR RIGHTS, and everything else will take care of itself peacefully, intellectually, and effectively. How can we trust a government that doesn’t even trust us?

George W, sold us an illegitimate war by mumbling that we shouldn’t get fooled twice. “There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on… um,  shame on you. Fool me…you can't get fooled again.”

My fellow citizens, we have been systematically fooled and have been reduced to mumbling creatures shaped by sound-bites. It’s time to wake up and ROAR together!

We’ve reached the end of our National Anthem. Can we still sing “land of the FREE and the home of the BRAVE” with a straight (masked) face? Hell, no! Not if we don’t come together and do something about this Constitutional crisis we’re in.

These are the “Tyrannical Twenties.” So either you rise for liberty NOW…or get the hell out of the way and take good notes.

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