This post is not about the same person, although these days the terms "politician" and "actor" are synonymous. One can't possibly be a successful politician without also being a great actor. Politicians say all kinds of things before elections and then go on to present a completely different script after the show is over. This is perfectly illustrated here by candidate Obama debating President Obama. Scary if you watch it. Oscar worthy performance! That's why people like Ralph Nader (and Ron Paul) are not "successful" politicians. They don't act. Their message never changes, and they never tire of the fight. I'm proud to say that I supported both these great Americans in their respectful presidential bids.
The politician Ralph Nader was just interviewed on a show appropriately called "Conversations With Great Minds" on the respectable RT news channel. Once again, he put his true American spirit of courage forward to speak the truth to power. Ralph Nader is not an actor. If I had to sum him up in the most abbreviated way, I would say he is a world class citizen advocate. He's about common American sense, truth, and justice. Ironically enough, he comes from Lebanese descent.
Ralph Nader has been a lone ranger in American society and politics for so long, he gets to write a new book and call it Told You So: The Big Book of Weekly Columns. Amazon describes it as " a panoramic portrait of the problems confronting our society which provides examples of the many actions an organized citizenry could and should take to create a more just and environmentally sustainable world."
Here's's available at Amazon.
Now the actor.
I've always admired the character acting of Clint Eastwood. To me, he is the king of cool with matching good macho looks. As a man and as an actor, he aged beautifully like the finest wines. He's been making excellent films from 1955 until now. That's a complete lifetime. But it wasn't until I saw his 2009 film "Gran Torino" this week that my interest further sparked to learn more about the man. Clint Eastwood directed, produced, played the lead role, AND wrote the music for this film.
As I researched everything Clint, I found out to my delight, that he's a Liberatarian! Yay. Another Libertarian to love. And to my even bigger surprise, he's also a musician and a politician!
"Gran Torino" turned out to be one of the best films I've seen in a decade. The story is strong and moving. It's colored with a myriad of social lessons from the beautiful jungle that is America. The script is so filled with great lines and hits so poetically on some issues, that I feel like watching it again and taking notes.
Here's the trailer. It's available at Netflix.
Stay tuned...
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